Courage to change and finding balance through paintings that guide your mind to harmony and calm. To permeate the very deepest part of us, where no words exist.

Today and always.

Available paintings


I love to see the painting as soon as I wake up. It took a while to find a suitable place for it until we found it in the bedroom. Now the day starts with a sense of calm.
— Jonathan
It is a blessing to be able to look at it every day, very soothing. Sometimes I just sit there and look at it for a while.
— Kajsa
Thank you for the lovely painting, it warms my heart every time I pass it. Its message gives me strength and reminds me of an important moment.
— Suzanne
Image of painting from Piritta Sillan Art Studio


Paintings are inspired by the natures necessity of change. We people too are chemically engineered for change and courage is the root of change.

Image of painting from calm sea Piritta Sillan Art Studio
Aquarell paintings from Piritta Sillan Art Studio

High quality prints

Museum-quality photographs or reproduction of paintings that will last for generations and are nearly indistinguishable from the originals.